Benelux Rail Topo

Het Benelux spoorwegnet / Le réseau ferroviaire Benelux / Railway map of the Benelux.

Fourth edition of the Benelux Rail map. Earlier editions appeared in 1992 (one) and in 1995 (two). The full color cartography of the 2023 edition is by Mack Reijers, Veghel. The new map shows numerous geographical and technical details such as underground stations, connecting lines, electrification and other aspects of railway construction.

With register of more than 1000 stations in the Benelux. From Blier to Blerick, from Geraardsbergen to Grupont and from Waterloo to Wilwerwiltz. An extra cut-out clarifies the complicated track pattern around Brussels. Furthermore the position of 30 intermodal rail terminals, 43 maintenance and repair shops as well as 98 tourist and historical sites and organizations. Useful additional information about for instance the field of activity and the size of the 3 network managers. 

Benelux Rail Topo: scale 1:550,000, dimensions: unfolded 61.5 x 81.5 cm, folded 31.5 x 14 cm. Four photos, index plus many interesting railway locations. Fourth edition 2023, ISBN/EAN 978 90 73280 19 9

€ 14,50

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